Here’s Why SouthCoast Freight Trains Have Become Faster
A caring warning from New Bedford Public Schools this week, as they used their social media platforms to get the word out about the dangers of walking on railroad tracks here on the SouthCoast.
Dangerous Speeds
The upgrades that have been happening in and around New Bedford as preparation for SouthCoast rail have allowed freight trains to increase their speeds on the newer tracks. It's sort of like what happened when Route 195 was built. Cars and trucks don't drive at the same rate of speed on Route 6 as they do on 195. These new tracks are the equivalent of 195 for the freight trains.
Therefore, to continue with the analogy, while you might carefully cross Route 6 at appropriate spots like crosswalks, you'd never think of trying to cross Route 195. That would be incredibly dangerous and illegal.
That should now be the mindset when it comes to railroad tracks in Greater New Bedford. Pedestrians should feel the same way about walking along railroad tracks as they'd feel about walking on the highway.
Here is the Advisory From South Coast Rail
SOUTH COAST RAIL ADVISORY: Increased speeds for freight trains on railroad lines running through New Bedford (also E. Freetown, Berkley, Taunton, Raynham, Lakeville & Middleboro). Recent upgrades to the track allow for greater speeds and efficiency. With these increased freight speeds, it is important to emphasize railroad safety, and that trespassing on the tracks is illegal - no unauthorized person should be on the railroad right-of-way at any time.