Fun 107 Suspends Prize Pickup
Following guidelines outlined by our corporate team, Fun 107 will be suspending prize pickups until the COVID-19 outbreak has resolved itself.
Our promotions department is in the process of contacting prize winners that have won over the past 30 days.
Prize winners will have a couple of different options.
Option number one is to wait until the prize pickup suspension is over. Our normal procedure is to give each prize winner 30 days to pick up their prize. That window will be extended. If, for example, you currently have two weeks left before your prize pickup expires, you will still have two weeks to pick up your prize once our offices reopen for pickup.
Another option is to choose to have your prize mailed to you. It is very important to understand that Fun 107 assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen prizes that have been sent in the mail. By agreeing to have us mail your prize, you are assuming all risks that the prize may get lost or stolen in the mail. We have mailed prizes in the past without issue, and it is a system that is expected to work quite smoothly. While we don't anticipate any kind of problems with respect to mailing prizes, we are simply unable to ensure the delivery of your mailed prize.
If mailing is the option that you'd like to take, you may reach out to our promotions department at (508) 999-6690.
They will send you an email that will verify your information. You'll also be requested to reply to the email to confirm that you understand the risk of having your prize mailed out.
We ask you to please bear with us as we do our best to conduct business as close to normal as possible.

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