Carver Boy Fighting for His Life Will Benefit From Wareham Hockey Fundraiser
A Carver boy is fighting for his life after getting diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia called acute myeloid leukemia.
Shane McColgan celebrated his 15th birthday last week in his hospital bed at Boston Children's Hospital. His biggest wish was to go home, but unfortunately that isn't going to happen soon enough for Shane.
The 15-year-old boy wants to get back to the food pantry he founded 8 years ago. That's when Shane, only seven years old at the time, saw a segment on television discussing the fact that some children go to bed without enough to eat.

His aunt, Monica Cole, told us that Shane was so moved by the news that he decided to do something about it. His family rented a storefront in Carver and launched the Shane Gives Thanks Food Pantry where families in need could "shop" without money or an ounce of shame.
Shane has spent the past 31 days fighting for his life, suffering through chemotherapy, brain hemorrhages, organ failures, vision and speech problems. His Nana and Papa have manned the food pantry to make sure no one goes without, because "that's the way Shane would want it," Cole said.
Cole told us about a special hockey game happening on Saturday at 3 p.m. at the Gallo Ice Arena in Bourne. The Wareham Vikings will be hosting the Old Rochester Regional Bulldogs. The theme will be Superhero Night in honor of a real-life superhero, Shane McColgan. All proceeds will benefit Shane and his single mom, who hasn't worked or left her son's side since he checked into Boston Children's.
Doctors are actively searching for a bone marrow transplant for Shane. To see if you are a match for Shane, log onto BeTheMatch.org.
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