Some things never change: the taste of ice cream on a warm summer afternoon, the purity of a baby's giggle, the bliss of slipping into bed after an exhausting day.

And figuring out how to get around Boston.

A recently resurfaced video of comedian Jay Leno asking Bostonians how to get to Faneuil Hall shows the city has a proud tradition of messing up directions.

The video first aired in 1983 on a local show called The First Boston Driver's Test. Just about everybody Leno interviewed deserves an "F."

"Ya know, no matter how you drive, getting around this city can be next to impossible," Leno says in the intro, getting out of a car with a comically large map. "I can't find Fanueil Hall on this thing anywhere. Fortunately, there are a lot of great people in this town more than willing to help a chump like me find his way around."


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The video is hilarious, and not just because it shows a young Leno with dark hair.

How do you get to Faneuil Hall? The answers are priceless.

"Faneuil Hall? Well, I think you probably go somewhere in that direction," a guy tells Leno, motioning vaguely.

"I don't know," another guy says. "Some street. You'll find it."

Another gentleman walks away without saying anything.

Tough crowd.

READ MORE: Inside Jay Leno's Breathtaking Newport, RI Waterfront Mansion

Boston is an old city of narrow streets that loop and twist and, in some cases, go only one direction. Where they'll spit you out is anyone's guess. Factor in the gridlock traffic and you have the recipe for a driving nightmare.

New York City, with its fancy grid system of numbered streets, is often held up as a contrast to Boston's infrastructure failures. A meme years ago showed maps of both cities side by side.

"New York: Because we want you to know where you are and how to get where you're going," the text read.

Then, "Boston: Because F*** You."

Unless we want to embark on a road construction project unfathomably larger than The Big Dig, it looks like we're stuck with the city laid out the way it is.

How do you get to Faneuil Hall? All these years later, people still have no clue. Thank God for GPS.

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Gallery Credit: Maddie Levine

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