Acushnet Public Library Has an Exciting New Feature Under Construction
If you have driven down Middle Road in Acushnet lately, you have probably noticed a construction project going on in the field next to the library. At first glance, it’s nothing but wooden beams and equipment, but the end result will become a beautiful pavilion that allows the library to branch outside of its four walls.
The Town of Acushnet shared the scoop Wednesday on Facebook, alerting the town on what is being built off Middle Road.
The Acushnet DPW and Maintenance Crew are hard at work in constructing a large pavilion. The Town of Acushnet explained that it’s being constructed “using CARES funding as approved by the Board of Selectmen.” According to the town page, it will accommodate around 40 people with social distancing in mind. A stage will also be added, bringing in the opportunity for live entertainment.
“We are hoping that this venue will serve as a great function space for the wonderful programs the Library sponsors every year, while keeping a safe space for our residents during the pandemic,” stated the Town of Acushnet page.
The mission of the Acushnet Public Library is to “inspire lifelong learning and strengthen the entire community through its materials, programs and services in a welcoming space.” The construction of this new pavilion will offer a unique library experience for families, whether it’s getting outside with a good book or enjoying a live performance.
No confirmation yet from the town building department on when the project will be completed, but I have a feeling this will be a nice feature for the summer of 2022. More information to come as the development continues.