15-Year-Old Matthew is ‘Just a Great Kid’ [TUESDAY’S CHILD]
Ask the staff at the Department of Child and Family Services office and they will tell you, Matthew is a lot of fun to be around. Matthew is on the autism spectrum and is non-verbal, although he is able to communicate using modified signing and his iPad.
Matthew enjoys waving and occasionally saying hi, and is eager to show affection and love.
"Matthew is not very complicated," says his adoption worker, Stephanie. "He's special needs, but he's so lovable and easy-going."
His favorite thing in the world to do is blow bubbles. Matthew loves visiting the library and playing outside with his counselors. The feeling is mutual. One of the counselors admits that Matty probably gets some extra time outside because all of them enjoy bringing him outdoors so much.
He is a very happy child and he brings joy to those around.
"I'll miss Matthew when he gets adopted. I'll miss him a lot," Stephanie said. "But I will be so happy for him because I want the best for him."
Matthew's Ideal Family
Matthew seeks a two-parent household that is a very patient and nurturing family. A family that can offer a lot of structure would be a good match for Matthew. He responds very well to being told what is coming next and then having it happen. Step-by-step guidance is a big benefit.
Who Can Adopt?
If you’re at least 18 years old, have a stable source of income, and have room in your heart, you may be a perfect match to adopt a waiting child. Adoptive parents can be single, married, or partnered; experienced or not; renters or homeowners; LGBTQ+ singles and couples. As an adoptive parent, you won’t have to pay any fees. Adoption from foster care is completely free in Massachusetts.
The process to adopt a child from foster care includes training, interviews, and home visits to determine if adoption is right for you. These steps will help match you with a child or sibling group that your family will fit well with.
To learn more about adoption from foster care, call the Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE) at (617) 964-6273 or visit www.mareinc.org. Start the process today and give a waiting child a permanent place to call home.