10 Commandments Of Downtown New Bedford On A Weekend Night
Ten easy steps to becoming a "Bar-Room Hero" on the weekends.
When going Downtown in New Bedford on the weekends, here are simple, yet common etiquette rules to ensure a safe, yet good night out in the city:
1.) Thou shall drive slowly and with caution throughout the area.
2.) Thou shall park in a centralized area if bar crawling
3.) Thou shall ALWAYS prepare a designated driver
4.) Thou shall stray from busy bars/clubs if you’re looking for quick service
5.) Thou shall never take a first date to thou’s favorite hangout spot
6.) Thou shall arrive after 10 p.m. if looking for a crowd
7.) Thou shall arrive before 10 p.m. if looking to find a seat at a bar
8.) Thou shall leave downtown before or even right at last call if thou is hungry
9.) Thou shall never accept a round of drinks or shots if thou is unwilling to pay for the next round.
10.) Thou shall be cautious when walking on the cobblestones, especially during the winter or if wearing high-heels.