
Mattapoisett Harbor Days Are Here!
Mattapoisett Harbor Days Are Here!
Mattapoisett Harbor Days Are Here!
Mattapoisett Harbor Days has a full schedule of events including entertainment, trendy vendors with accessories, clothing, jewelry and crafts.  And of course, they are famous for their local food and treats!
memorial day events
memorial day events
memorial day events
Memorial Day weekend is upon us, and there are plenty of ceremonies and observances to honor the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives in the Armed Forces. Here is a list of the Memorial Day events taking place in New Bedford this weekend...
Paid Parking on Saturdays
Paid Parking on Saturdays
Paid Parking on Saturdays
For years, parking in New Bedford's downtown has been free on Saturdays. It looks like that will soon change. A letter from the City's Parking Clerk Scott Downing, dated May 4, indicates the City will soon enforce parking regulations for downtown parking meters on Saturday beginning June 4...

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