This Mattapoisett Teacher Knows How to Bring the Fun Into Learning [TEACHER OF THE MONTH]
Ms. Beth Valliere is a 4th Grade teacher at Old Hammondtown Elementary School in Mattapoisett, and thanks to the love from her students, she is Fun 107’s Teacher of the Month.
Nominated by Emma Balestracci on behalf of her classmates, here is what she had to say about her favorite teacher.
“Ms.Valliere is the best. Firstly, she makes people feel happy, excited (and) she just says or does nice things to people. In addition, Ms. Valliere’s classroom is so fun. It is so fun because she has LED lights and a sticker station. A sticker station is a wall of stickers you can grab but only one and you need a sticker coupon. A sticker coupon is a little piece of paper that has sticker coupons printed on it. Also, she has a little library in her room (and) she also has stem bins. Stem bins are little bins, some are full of Legos or magnets and a lot of other stuff. Lastly, Ms. Valliere always plays games with my class and she will always help you. That is why I think Ms. Valliere should win the teacher of the month.”
Congratulations to Ms. Valliere for being Fun 107's SouthCoast Teacher of the Month. As the winner of this month’s award, Ms. Valliere will receive a gift card for $100 to Amazon so she can continue to make this classroom a fun place to learn.
A special thank you to our sponsors A&M Driving School, McDonald’s, and Bay State Gymnastics Academy for helping to make this classroom even better.