These SouthCoast Dogs Really Know How to Beat the Heat
While some of us laid very still with fans pointed on us from all directions to stay cool, these local hounds are out here having their best summer ever.
To be honest, there's nothing cuter than a dog in a lifejacket. Times that by 15 dogs and add in some stand up paddle boards and you've got a pack of pooches having way more fun in this heat than anyone else.
Whenever I caught a glimpse of this dog adventure going on in the water off of Reed Road, so many questions ran through my mind. Is there anything cuter than dogs in life jackets? Who is the alpha that got all these dogs together on paddle boards for a trip to the lake? Why do these dogs have more friends than I do? Why are these dogs have more fun this summer than I currently am?
Granted, the dogs were actually part of an adventure dog daycare and their dog moms paid for them to have friends and fun like that, but still. They were all smiling, as dogs do, and having more fun than anyone else I saw in this heat. Dogs have such good lives.
Maybe they don't have the luxury of driving themselves to the beach or the lake any time they feel like it, but boy, do their families make lots of extra effort to keep them comfortable as possible.
Across the SouthCoast, here's what dogs of all shapes and sizes could be found doing to beat this hot, hot, heat. Maybe you'll even get some new ideas of your own and make your dog's next hot summer day more enjoyable.