Rock and Fox Show Morning Mindbenders Week of 8/5
If you missed any this week, here are the answers to the Morning Mindbenders on the Rock and Fox Show.
Monday 8/5
Question: 30% of people in the U.S. have never done/seen this?
Answer: a Star Wars movie
Tuesday 8/6
Question: In a new study, 50% of employees polled said if this is going to happen at work, it happens on a Wednesday.
Answer: fall asleep
Wednesday 8/7
Question: 1 in 4 Americans have no plans to do this.
Answer: retire
Thursday 8/8
Question: Half of a million men is the U.S. have done this so far in 2019.
Answer: botox
Friday 8/9
Question: 75% of women 25 and older have not done this yet in 2019.
Answer: changed their social media profile picture