Rock and Fox Show Morning Mindbenders Week of 4/1
If you missed any this week, here are the answers to the Morning Mindbenders on the Rock and Fox Show.
Monday 4/1
Question: 4 in 10 Americans admit to having this?
Question: Answer: an accent
Tuesday 4/2
Question: 50% of women are doing this more than men do?
Answer: making the bed every morning
Wednesday 4/3
Question: Just less than 50% of parents today admit they did this alone as a kid?
Answer: trick or treating
Thursday 3/28
Question: 3 out of 10 Americans say they never have and never will do this?
Answer: eat a hot dog
Friday 4/4
Question: 2 in 10 women in America still have this from elementary school?
Answer: their best friend