Rock and Fox Show Morning Mindbenders Week of 3/4
If you missed any this week, here are the answers to the Morning Mindbenders on the Rock and Fox Show.
Monday 3/4
Question: According to a new survey, eight out of 10 women say they are happier after this happens to them?
Answer: Have a baby.
Tuesday 3/5
Question: According to a new study, couples who have been married 10-plus years argue about this topic at least six times each month?
Answer: Home improvement projects.
Wednesday 3/6
Question: In a recent study, women 18 and older have an average of 13 of these, what are they?
Answer: Secrets.
Thursday 3/7
Question: 15 million people ages 12-34 worldwide did this in 2018.
Answer: Got rid of their Facebook account.
Friday 3/8
Question: According to a new study, spending just five minutes doing this can greatly improve your mood by 50 percent.
Answer: Go outside/outdoors in nature.