Rock and Fox Show Morning Mindbenders Week of 3/18
If you missed any this week, here are the answers to the Morning Mindbenders on the Rock and Fox Show.
Monday 3/18
Question: More than 50% of couples do this once they hit the 9 month mark?
Answer: go on vacation
Tuesday 3/19
Question: Men are more likely than women to do this in a specific room of the house?
Answer: talk on the phone in the bathroom.
Wednesday 3/20
Question: Americans who drive and hour and a half or more to work are most likely to do or have this?
Answer: own a home
Thursday 3/21
Question: Almost half of Americans will be doing this in the next few weeks?
Answer: spring cleaning
Friday 3/22
Question: 1 in 10 people say they do this at work everyday?
Answer: dress casual