New Bedford Has Leading Seaport, But What About Our Airport?
Most of us know about New Bedford's world class seaport. It continues to be the number one revenue seaport in the U.S.when it comes to fishing. But on the other side of the city is one of the best general aviation airports in the country. You are about to read some amazing facts about New Bedford Regional Airport.
At a recent meeting with the airport's General Manager Thomas Vick, I was asked to guess how many people work at the airport. My guess was 50. I'm thinking that many other people would have a similar answer. We would all be wrong.
242 people are currently employed at the airport. And with the runway expansion project now underway, there are over 100 construction jobs.
Here's another question: How many flights were in and out of New Bedford's airport last year? Try 55,000. That ranks New Bedford Regional Airport as the 315th busiest of the 5100 general aviation airports operating in the U.S.
We are in the top 8 percent. Also, Bridgewater State University has headquartered their aviation science program and flight school at the airport. More than 120 students are now in that Bridgewater State program.
General Manager Thomas Vick is a graduate of the university's inaugural aviation class. You'll also find private pilot flight schools based at the airport as well as Colonial Air, with service to Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. Thousands of passangers fly Cape Air in and out of New Bedford every year. This just scratches the surface of all this great Southcoast airport has to offer along with it's positive econimic impact on our area.