Fun 107 Radiothon to Benefit Dartmouth’s Schwartz School
This weekend marks the 45th annual Meeting Street Telethon with WPRI-12. Fun 107 has been thrilled to be a part of this important telethon. For years now, we've kicked off the Telethon weekend with a Radiothon live from Sunrise Bakery and Coffee Shop in Dartmouth. When Manny Amaral and his sister Louise first heard about the Fun 107 Radiothon, they jumped right on it, inviting the morning show to broadcast from their Dartmouth Street location and agreeing to donate 50 percent of their sales while we were there.
We've been going there each year since, and every year the Fun 107 audience has generously donated thousands to support the resources at the Schwartz School and Meeting Street.
The money raised this weekend at both the Radiothon and the Telethon will go directly to creating the critical operating support for their programs that serve over 7,000 children of all abilities, and their families, each year across Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
We've visited the Schwartz School a number of times over the past few years, and the heartwarming care that we've witnessed is absolutely unmatched. The care that these children get is at a level that would make any parent feel at ease.
One of my favorite parts of taking part in the Fun 107 Radiothon is seeing the children and the great strides they are each making individually. We have watched young children, who were incapable of walking one year, walk on their own into the following year's Radiothon. The feeling of watching our little friend walk himself into the radio show was unlike anything I've ever felt.
Made my day to watch Braydon WALK into the Radiothon today. Last year he was in a wheelchair. This year...a walker. ...
Posted by Michael Rock on Friday, January 25, 2019
This coming weekend is by far the most important weekend of fundraising that Meeting Street and the Schwartz School will have. You can help simply by picking up some coffee and food on Friday morning at Sunrise Bakery in Dartmouth.
A tip of our caps to Cardi's Furniture, who has been a huge sponsor of Meeting Street for the past 45 years.