Welcome into this week's Rock and Fox Show "Friday Song," a compilation of audio like you've never heard before.

Every Friday morning at 7:05 a.m., The Rock and Fox Show celebrates the arrival of the end of the week with a special "Friday Song." I have taken the instrumental parts of Todd Rundren's "Bang The Drum All Day"...

...and added my own twist of movie and TV clips for a crazy mix of epic fun.

Be sure to check out the audio compilation that includes a fun clip and look back at this week's Rock and Fox Show. Why do we do this, you might ask? Great question.

It's been quite the wild roller coaster ride in the city of Fall River this past year with (now former) Mayor Jasiel Correia. This week, he announced to the public that he is finally stepping down and taking a leave of absence. However, although he is stepping down, he still wants to collect his hefty paycheck.

Well, Mr. Correia, since these are such entertaining times in politics and you've decided to say farewell, but not yet goodbye, I decided to put together a small toast for your travels.

The song is designed to get you up and moving on a Friday morning in preparation for the weekend, and if this doesn't do it for you, then I'm not doing my job well enough. So, sit back, turn up your speakers a little louder, and enjoy!

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