
Monster Shark Tournament Entertains and Educates New Bedford Crowds
Monster Shark Tournament Entertains and Educates New Bedford Crowds
Monster Shark Tournament Entertains and Educates New Bedford Crowds
Roughly 35 boats took part in the 30th annual North Atlantic Monster Shark Tournament out of New Bedford this weekend. Anglers took to Buzzards Bay in hopes of catching the largest porbeagle, mako, and thresher sharks. Tournament official Matt Phillips tells WBSM News in addition to the sportsmanship, the event shows the public the reality of sharks...
Shark Sighting in Plymouth!
Shark Sighting in Plymouth!
Shark Sighting in Plymouth!
Don't you hate when you're all set for a beach day and then Jaws just has to go and ruin everything... The people in Plymouth certainly do! Beachgoers ordered out of water after shark siting. — necn (@NECN) July 16, 2016 Beachgoers at Whitehorse Beach would told to get out of the water until the waters were safe again...
Shark Not “Fin”-ished in Local Waters
People love seeing sharks these days. They love seeing them in terrible, made-for-SyFy movies, on television during "Shark Week," at aquariums and having them emblazoned on clothing and other paraphernalia. You know where they shouldn't like seeing sharks...

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