memorial day

BBQ Fails
BBQ Fails
BBQ Fails
Got any Memorial Day plans? Maybe you’re heading to a parade and dressing up in those American flag shorts (guilty). Or perhaps heading to the public pool to kick off swimming season is more your style. Whatever you do, there’s one Memorial Day staple that all Americans must experience on Monday— the BBQ.
Memorial Day in GIF Form
Memorial Day in GIF Form
Memorial Day in GIF Form
Americans across the country celebrate Memorial Day in honor of those who have died while in the military service. Though it's a day of remembrance, it also kicks off the most fun part of the year -- summer! For many, Memorial Day signals the beginning of beach season and barbecues. So let's celebrate America with these fun GIFs!
Melon Carving
Melon Carving
Melon Carving
Oh, were you just planning on slicing your watermelon into wedges this Memorial Day weekend? We regret to inform you that plain old wedges are now kind of lame.
Remember to toast the members of the United States Military this weekend, past and present  From Bunker Hill to Iraq, We are free because of their sacrifice. Freedom often is celebrated by drinking.
Healthy Grilling
Healthy Grilling
Healthy Grilling
If you've been diligent about making smart choices in an effort to look good and slim down, don't throw it all away with the temptations at parties this summer. Cheating every now and then won't completely ruin your efforts. But the summer is laden with get-togethers that include anything from  a lean burger, to pasta salad...
Walmart Donates New Flag
Walmart Donates New Flag
Walmart Donates New Flag
After reading about the tangled and tattered flag on, Walmart in Fairhaven decided to donate a brand new flag for the PAACA community building in New Bedford.
Memorial Day Events
Memorial Day Events
Memorial Day Events
If you are into history, you will love what the Fairhaven Village Militia and the Office of Tourism have planned for this weekend.
15 War Movies
15 War Movies
15 War Movies
Many war films have been produced with the cooperation of a nation's military forces. The United States Navy has been very cooperative since World War II in providing ships and technical guidance, Top Gun being the most famous example.

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