With Halloween and all the candy you are left with, it's hard keeping up with your diet, but the girls at Boutique Fitness want you to stay strong!

Getting Comfortable

By: Lara Harrington, ISSA, ACSM

This time of year can be tricky. The Halloween candy has come out in full effect and if you haven't yet given yourself a gut-check about how you're going to handle this holiday season, you may already feel like it's gotten a handle on you.

It's not at all about deprivation. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Giving in to a poor diet and lifestyle does deprive you the good health and fitness to help you truly enjoy this life. Consider, instead, all the WONDERFUL foods you CAN eat that will afford you the wellbeing to conquer your everyday and more.

Just because Fall is here and we may be getting cozy in the cool weather, let's not get comfortable with a poor diet. It's never too late, it's always worth the effort, and the key is in the consistency. Even if you fall, it's not over - so never tell yourself that.

Perfection is overrated.

Additional Reporting By: Mikaylee McEwan

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