What a night last night in Dartmouth! Our Food For Tots fundraiser was epic. Without exaggeration, last night was one of the best Food For Tots nights we've had. The crowds were massive at each restaurant, and we got an incredible surprise while we were out.

Chris Zammito, an owner at Toyota of Dartmouth, was so impressed by Food For Tots, he increased his donation to $5,000 last night. We were joined by the whole crew at Baarsvick/Souza Orthodontics (who donated $2,500) and a big contingency of Fun 107 fans.

We are thrilled to report last night's totals. Cask and Pig led the night with a donation of $1,400. We are grateful for Buster's generous donation of $1,100, and Max's right behind that with $1,000. We finished off the night at Dockside for a delicious ice cream dessert. Dockside donated $500 to Food For Tots. This makes our Dartmouth grand total $11,500. How about that?

If you went out to eat at any of these restaurants yesterday, you helped contribute to these totals. This is why I am such a fan of Food For Tots. The program allows regular, working families to give to an important, local cause just by going out to eat.

Food For Tots is an initiative with Fun 107 and The Friends of Jack Foundation. Every penny raised helps SouthCoast children receive local access to Boston Children's Hospital doctors.


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