
Elevator Prank
Elevator Prank
Elevator Prank
Who doesn't like giving someone a good scare? The people of this Brazilian show sure do know how to make someone jump.
How To Tell When You’ve Been “Ghosted”
How To Tell When You’ve Been “Ghosted”
How To Tell When You’ve Been “Ghosted”
I had never heard of this newer tradition until I read about it on Facebook.  When I mentioned it on today's FUN 107 Morning Show, several listeners called to say they've not only heard about "Ghosting", they actually do it in their neighborhoods.
Funny Elevator Floor Prank [VIDEO]
Funny Elevator Floor Prank [VIDEO]
Funny Elevator Floor Prank [VIDEO]
A new tv commercial for LG IPS monitors features a very funny elevator floor prank. This is the one we were talking about this morning on the show. Check out what happens when you use these new LG TV screens to create an optical illusion in an elevator. Hilarity ensues. The video here:
Why Did Justin Bieber Prank the Internet?
Why Did Justin Bieber Prank the Internet?
Why Did Justin Bieber Prank the Internet?
On Friday, the crafty Justin Bieber pranked the Internet, turning a stolen laptop into the basis for for a PR stunt to premiere his new video for 'Beauty and a Beat.' Why did the singer, who makes incredibly effective use of (and money from) the worldwide web, decide to pull one over on the digital world, a move that was divisive for some of critics and fans? Well, the answer is not that simple. R