Whether you're in college and searching for a major or heading off to college soon and don't know what to study, this list of highest-paying degrees might help you decide.

Although studying something you enjoy is usually the route students take, sometimes it's hard to choose which field you enjoy the most.

Knowing what your degree could earn you once school ends might be the deciding factor you need.

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While not every job in a certain field is guaranteed to score you a certain payday, according to earnings data from the U.S. Census Bureau, several fields offer pretty lofty average earnings here in Massachusetts.

Several are over six figures.

Of course, science jobs are always in high demand, with matching high paychecks, and technology fields are booming as well. In Massachusetts, one degree pays significantly more than others.

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Overall, the Census Bureau looked at 14 different college and university degrees and compared these fields based on salary alone. The average payday for these 14 degrees was an estimated $86,997.

So, which fields came out on top?

Generally, careers in the science fields pay best in Massachusetts, while careers in the arts and humanities pay the least. In particular, those considering a degree in visual and performing arts are least likely to be among top earners in the Bay State with a median pay of $64,102.

The following fields, however, can score you a big payday when you're ready to find that first full-time job after college.

Massachusetts' Highest Paying Bachelor Degrees

Ready to chose a college major? Want to try and score the biggest paycheck possible after school is over? Then these are the fields you may want to study.
The United States Census Bureau has ranked bachelor degrees by median earnings and these fields came out on top.

Gallery Credit: Nancy Hall

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Gallery Credit: Nancy Hall

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