Do you visit an independently owned bookstore regularly?

My husband and I enjoy browsing the many smaller bookstores that carry new, used or rare books while on vacation or after a particularly stressful week. A calmness of heart and mind overtakes us as soon as we walk in, not to mention the many treasures that can be found within the many shelves of such a magical place.

According to James Patterson's website, many independent bookstores around the country will receive money from "his 1M independent bookstore campaign". NPR says the grant given to the bookstore entails "up to $15,000 from Patterson, who places no limits on how they use that money."

Patterson's concern is that "we're in a juncture right now where bookstores as we have known them are at risk, libraries as we've known them are at risk, publishers are at risk, American literature is at risk, as we've known it, and getting kids reading is at risk." Now is the time to nominate a bookstore close to your heart!

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