In today's episode of things you definitely shouldn't do, a woman in Falmouth purposely left out a bowl of water for a pack of wild coyotes.

Jennifer Christian shared a night-vision video of the pack drinking from the bowl in a Falmouth Facebook group Tuesday morning. According to Christian, she sees the pack of seven show up on her camera every night.

"Do not want them getting in trouble looking for clean fresh water," Christian wrote. "So happy when they found it and drank. Let’s hope we get some rain SOON."

While Christian obviously meant well with her gesture of kindness, the backlash came almost immediately, with many members of the group pointing to how leaving a bowl of water out could encourage coyotes to keep coming back and potentially try to interact with humans and pets.

"They are not dogs[.] They do not need your help," Michael Defilippis Jr. wrote. "You and other people that do this are the reason why more people are getting attacked by coyotes. Do your part and leave and wild animals alone as they can defend to themselves."

Just in the past week, there have been two separate incidents of coyotes biting children out of the blue in Massachusetts. Last Wednesday, a coyote bit a child on Cape Cod National Seashore Beach in Provincetown. Park rangers later killed the animal. More recently, another coyote bit a 5-year-old child playing in an Arlington sandbox on Sunday afternoon. According to Patch, authorities are continuing to monitor the area for coyote activity.

MassWildlife also advises against making your property attractive to coyotes, in hopes of avoiding potentially dangerous interactions with the animals.

"Never deliberately provide food for coyotes to attract them to your property," MassWildlife wrote on their website. "Feeding, whether direct or indirect, can cause coyotes to act tame and may lead to bold behavior."

And it's safe to assume that leaving water out for coyotes falls under the same category as feeding them. Millbury Animal Control advises residents to "eliminate sources of water, particularly in dry climates," in order to lessen the risk of a coyote-human interaction.

Earlier this month, Christian shared more videos her cameras captured of the pack, which luckily don't show any food or water left out. They certainly are cool videos, but the moment that food and drinks are purposely left out to attract coyotes, the situation becomes much more dangerous than cool.

Here's a List of All the Snakes Native to Massachusetts (Two Can Kill You)

Did you know that there's a species of rattlesnake found in the Bay State? Or that two of our local venomous serpents can be deadly to humans — but despite what your parents told you, the water moccasin isn't one of them? (They don't even live in Massachusetts.) Love them or hate them, these slithery little suckers are everywhere. Here's what snakes you're most likely to find in your backyard.

Massachusetts Wildlife You Can Legally Take Home as Pets

Massachusetts has such diverse wildlife, but also strict limitations on what you can bring home and cuddle. In fact, there are only certain reptiles and amphibians you can keep as pets (so no raccoons, squirrels, bunnies, etc.) and you are only allowed two of each. The state also says "you cannot sell, barter, or exchange them." Also, keep in mind, these are wildlife, so it's probably best to just leave them be and maybe visit a reptile shop instead to get your next pet.

Abandoned North Truro Military Base is a Peek Into 1950s Cape Cod

After closing in 1994, the North Truro Air Force Base has been left untouched. Decay, destruction and graffiti have taken over many of the buildings, but some family belongings can still be spotted. The area is now in the possession of the National Parks Service, and according to an update on Atlas Obscura from June 2021, the base had been fenced off and locked tight to visitors hoping to get a glimpse inside the historical Cape Cod site. Luckily, YouTuber @Exploring With Josh took viewers inside the base back in 2015, so we can still take a peek inside the long-abandoned property.

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