
Insomnia Is Normal, Consolidated Sleep Is Not
Insomnia Is Normal, Consolidated Sleep Is Not
Insomnia Is Normal, Consolidated Sleep Is Not
I had seen a link recently posted on Facebook about bi-modal sleep, which is the art of sleeping in two shifts. Apparently, until about 150 years ago, humans did not sleep in one eight hour block. According to University of Virginia professor, Roger Ekirch, people slept twice per night...
Stress Affects Your Sleep, Try Meditation
Stress Affects Your Sleep, Try Meditation
Stress Affects Your Sleep, Try Meditation
Tossing and turning at night? Well, then you're like 83% of Americans according to the LA Times So why are Americans losing so much needed rest? Stress and anxiety were cited as the top reason by 48% of the 1,008 adults interviewed by the polling firm Harris Interactive...
Sleep Texting
Sleep Texting
Sleep Texting
Teens on average are now getting less sleep than ever. And according to a nursing professor at Villanova University, the sleep many do get is interrupted by texting.