
Why Did Justin Bieber Prank the Internet?
Why Did Justin Bieber Prank the Internet?
Why Did Justin Bieber Prank the Internet?
On Friday, the crafty Justin Bieber pranked the Internet, turning a stolen laptop into the basis for for a PR stunt to premiere his new video for 'Beauty and a Beat.' Why did the singer, who makes incredibly effective use of (and money from) the worldwide web, decide to pull one over on the digital world, a move that was divisive for some of critics and fans? Well, the answer is not that simple. R
Funniest Memes of the Week – Leif Erikson, Lazy Elementary School Kid, and More
Funniest Memes of the Week – Leif Erikson, Lazy Elementary School Kid, and More
Funniest Memes of the Week – Leif Erikson, Lazy Elementary School Kid, and More
We're excited to show you here all the great memes of this week. Current event-wise, there's no way you could've missed the vice-presidential debate or, more importantly, the photoshopped vice presidential hair-swap. Lucky for you, if you did miss it, we have it for you right here (the hair swap, not the debate...
Weird Places For Technology
Weird Places For Technology
Weird Places For Technology
Every so often, I like to look online to find out what the next big thing is. Whether it be a smartphone, a laptop, or some futuristic thing that has yet to hit the store shelves, I'm all over it.