The Massachusetts Department of Public Health released a reminder about these treatments recently. They are available throughout Massachusetts and yes, right here in Berkshire County too.
I've got baby number two coming any day now and I'm trying to find a few moments of 'me time' before it happens. Moms, how did you treat yourself before a birth?
NEW BEDFORD - A New Bedford municipal employee was one of 30 people arrested during "Operation Stop the Flow." Providence Police, in conjunction with law enforcement agencies in southeastern Massachusetts, arrested 30 individuals they say had been distributing heroin and fentanyl through Rhode Island and the Southcoast...
Support for medical marijuana continues to grow in New Bedford, this time with formal support by the City Council for a dispensary in the north end of the city.
When most people think of breast cancer treatments, chemotherapy and surgery are the first two things that typically come to mind. But a recent study has found that there are some wonderful health benefits to massage therapy as well.