rocky point

Rocky Point To Be Revived With Clam Shack
Rocky Point To Be Revived With Clam Shack
Rocky Point To Be Revived With Clam Shack
We all remember heading up to Warwick Rhode Island to enjoy the day at the Rocky Point amusement park, and I'm sure we all miss it. I know i do. but this spring at least PART of the park will be revived by Anthony Restivo. According to NBC 10, Anthony will be opening up a clam shack and will be bringing back a taste of Rocky Point, complete with the signature arch, and all the original menu items
Remember Rocky Point?
Remember Rocky Point?
Remember Rocky Point?
I love to think back about times in my life that were fun and memorable and this video should spark some great memories for you as well. I LOVED to go here and other than one time when i got sick on one of the rides...(sorry jennifer dasilva) i really enjoyed every minute spent at a place that i'm sure is missed by many...