
Narragansett Beer Returns to Rhody Roots
Narragansett Beer Returns to Rhody Roots
Narragansett Beer Returns to Rhody Roots
Narragansett Beer celebrated its 125th birthday last year, but not many people realize it hasn't actually been in its home state of Rhode Island in over three decades. That's scheduled to change later this year, according to owner Mark Hellendrung.
David Duran Returns!
David Duran Returns!
David Duran Returns!
Monday, June 30, 2014 marks the return of an old friend, as FUN 107 welcomes back David Duran! He's here to kickoff your workday at 9 AM and take you through your lunch. Carrying on with tradition, David's also spinning all of your favorite throwbacks at noon during the Back In The Day Café!

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