B Mo’s Wedding Fitness Challenge, Week 7 [PHOTO]B Mo’s Wedding Fitness Challenge, Week 7 [PHOTO]I guess this whole workout thing is working out. Pun intended.B Mo the PrinceB Mo the Prince
B Mo's Wedding Fitness Challenge, Week 5B Mo's Wedding Fitness Challenge, Week 5It was gut-check week to evaluate my progress after 30 days of this fitness thingy.B Mo the PrinceB Mo the Prince
B Mo’s Wedding Fitness Challenge, Week 4B Mo’s Wedding Fitness Challenge, Week 4Welp, that was a bad week. Sometimes I guess you just have to take an 'L,' and this week I took a hard 'L.'B Mo the PrinceB Mo the Prince
B Mo’s Wedding Fitness Challenge, Week 3B Mo’s Wedding Fitness Challenge, Week 3Well, I guess this isn't a bad start!B Mo the PrinceB Mo the Prince
B Mo’s Wedding Fitness Challenge, Week 2B Mo’s Wedding Fitness Challenge, Week 2I'm going to die.B Mo the PrinceB Mo the Prince