Though we may not want to admit it, everyone grows old - unhip, if you will. There comes a time in everyone's life when what you once thought was cool is suddenly not, and your life is going in a very different direction.
Lets be real, Aaron Hernandez is in the joint for quite awhile, especially with all the evidence presented, it's not going to go well. Social media has had a field day at the expense of the former number 81.
So by now you've heard the horrible news that Tim Tebow is the latest member of the New England Patriots. So what exactly does that mean for our beloved Patriots?
Since the Weather Channel has started to name each and every storm, it gives people all over the internet something to do. We have come across some pretty funny memes associated to this 'Winter Storm Nemo', and we decided to share them with you.
We couldn't collect the funniest memes of the week without including memes on the two biggest events of this week. So just for you, we have a bunch of Thanksgiving memes and Black Friday memes that will either make you roll on the floor laughing, or cringe at the memory of too much food and too much shopping...