madeira wine

Favorite Food
Favorite Food
Favorite Food
I love me a good bifana sandwich and look forward to it every year at The Feast Of The Blessed Sacrament, aka The Portuguese Feast. Being Portuguese is awesome. I know most people look forward to the Madeira Wine every year, but I look forward to the food overload...
Drunken Dance At The Portuguese Feast- Back In The Day Flashback
Drunken Dance At The Portuguese Feast- Back In The Day Flashback
Drunken Dance At The Portuguese Feast- Back In The Day Flashback
In celebration of this years Portuguese Feast in New Bedford, we take a look back a few years ago, on the feast grounds, as quite a few couples are trying to dance to a traditional Portuguese dance. One guy isn't interested in the right steps, and looks like he visited the booth with the Madeira wine a few times...