
Jarrid Gets Paid Over 31K
Jarrid Gets Paid Over 31K
Jarrid Gets Paid Over 31K
No more donations can be made towards Jarrid Tansey, the Palace Pizza delivery driver who made worldwide news over $7 that was taken back by F&R Auto Sales in Wesport. He has asked the account be shut down.
Decisions, Decisions
Decisions, Decisions
Decisions, Decisions
The other day I was at Starbucks and the person in front of me in the drive-thru line bought my coffee and breakfast sandwich.  When I pulled up to the window, the cashier/barista told me the person in front of me had paid for my coffee and food.
Driver With Road Rage Gets Instant Karma
Driver With Road Rage Gets Instant Karma
Driver With Road Rage Gets Instant Karma
For those of you that believe in karma, you will LOVE this video. A driver who was being tailgated decided to record the motorist who is doing the tailgating. Said motorist then gets a heavy dose of "Instant Karma" about a minute later...
Jay Walking
Jay Walking
Jay Walking
You can file this one under awesome. Can you imagine what would happen if someone did this here! Lately, Russian dashboard cameras have been the gift that keeps on giving.