justin bieber

Taking Time Off From Bieber?
Taking Time Off From Bieber?
Taking Time Off From Bieber?
Selena Gomez bailed on her Australian tour shortly after cursing and getting caught lip synching onstage at a Jingle Ball 2013 show, making a lot of fans wonder if she was headed for a meltdown. Shortly after, it was revealed that Gomez may be battling lupus. But the reason for her time off may be something else entirely: Justin Bieber.
Justin Bieber’s Gatsby Party: Chris Brown Attends, 20 Strippers on Site
Justin Bieber’s Gatsby Party: Chris Brown Attends, 20 Strippers on Site
Justin Bieber’s Gatsby Party: Chris Brown Attends, 20 Strippers on Site
Justin Bieber threw a party in L.A. on Friday, Nov. 15. Neighbors accused him of disturbing the peace and he likened it to one of the famous fetes in 'The Great Gatsby.' So, it's J. Bieber and the fictional Jay Gatsby who have a lot in common. New details have emerged about the soiree, like Chris Brown and boxer Floyd Mayweather were in attendance. So were 20 strippers with big butts.
Shots By Me App Backed Up By Justin Bieber
Shots By Me App Backed Up By Justin Bieber
Shots By Me App Backed Up By Justin Bieber
On November 13th a new app called "Shots By Me" was released for iOS users and basically its for all things selfies related and Justin Bieber along with Floyd Mayweather have invested in for one main reason.
Mystery Woman
Mystery Woman
Mystery Woman
Finally the girl who took the video of herself leaving Justin Bieber's bed early in the morning is revealed and speaks out but so does Justin Bieber and wouldn't you know it,each have a different story. Hhhmmm,I wonder who's telling the truth.
Mystery Girl Releases Video Of Herself Leaving Justin Bieber’s Bed [VIDEO]
Mystery Girl Releases Video Of Herself Leaving Justin Bieber’s Bed [VIDEO]
Mystery Girl Releases Video Of Herself Leaving Justin Bieber’s Bed [VIDEO]
In my life time I have been in situations which have caused me to witness girls acting as and being treated as "groupies" unfortunately for male celebrities 9x out of 10 girls approach them with ill intensions and guys are usually a sucker for a pretty face and a good time but this leaves these male celebrities open to such acts as this Brazilian girl decided to proudly do to Justin Bieb
Man Spends $100,000 To Look Like Justin Bieber
Man Spends $100,000 To Look Like Justin Bieber
Man Spends $100,000 To Look Like Justin Bieber
Toby Sheldon who is 33 years old, is a songwriter from Los Angeles. He likes Justin Bieber. He likes him so much, he spend $100,000 dollars to look like him. “It took three transplants and a total of $21,000 to accurately lower my hair line, close off my temples and grow back my bang,” he said...

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