Christopher Melancon loves remote control cars. When he was in eighth grade at Normandin Middle School, he accidentally dropped a battery from one of the cars onto his toe. His family didn’t think much of it. At worst, they assumed it might be a break, and there’s not much that can be done for a broken toe.
Former Greater New Bedford Voc-Tech administrator Dr. Heather Larkin has paid a $10,000 civil penalty for violating the state’s conflict of interest law.
Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational-Technical High School student and fledgling actor Logan Souza appears in "Sex and the City" sequel "And Just Like That..."
Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School was the target of a bomb threat Thursday evening, but 'no dangerous items' were discovered.
Listen to Michael and Maddie's new interns get quizzed on what some insanely famous people did for a living. You won't believe who they have never heard of.