This Fall River intersection on William Canning Boulevard has seen a lot of changes in the past near-decade, and they're all still viewable on Google Maps.
What’s seven feet tall and hides away in the wooded banks of a pond in Rochester? No, not Bigfoot. Apparently, it’s NBA Hall of Famer Shaquille O’Neal.
I'm ready to admit that I use Google Maps just about every single day. Google Maps is life, to put it in a nutshell. Now it's gotten even more helpful.
We're just weeks away from spring break. Why not take your family on a trip to both Walt Disney World and Disneyland? Here's how you can give your whole family the Disney experience for just about $500.
Let's be honest. This app was not invented for the seven-year-olds who are just now being introduced to the world of Pokémon. This is for the 90's kids who have waited 21 years for a pet Pikachu they can call their own.
Today was the US release date for the app and already my Facebook newsfeed is filled with proud new owners of Charmanders...
Let's be real. Wealth is all around us, we just don't see it sometimes nor do we realize who's reeling in the bread. That is, of course, until this map was released of all the Millionaires residing in Massachusetts.
Last summer, I saw one of those Google Maps cars drive by my house taking pictures so they could update their "street view" setting. I just happen to check my address this morning, and there I am. You can see me looking at the Google Maps car with a "What the h*ll is that" face as I'm pulling into my driveway.