Apparently, These Things Belong in the FridgeApparently, These Things Belong in the FridgeI thought it was pretty straight forward as to what belonged in a refrigerator, but I was seriously wrong.Maddie LevineMaddie Levine
Michael's Wife Blames Him for Spoiled FoodMichael's Wife Blames Him for Spoiled FoodMichael thinks it's unfair to blame him when food goes bad in the Rock refrigerator. Michael RockMichael Rock
What To Do With Food Before And After A Power OutageWhat To Do With Food Before And After A Power OutageDid you lose power in the storm? Here's what you need to know to about when the food in your fridge can go bad.Nancy HallNancy Hall
What To Do With Food Before And After A Power OutageWhat To Do With Food Before And After A Power OutageDid you lose power in the storm? Here's what you need to know to about when the food in your fridge can go bad.Nancy HallNancy Hall
Dog Fetches Beer From Fridge [VIDEO]Dog Fetches Beer From Fridge [VIDEO]If I ever get a dog, I totally want to train it to do this!Nancy HallNancy Hall
How To Get Candy From Your Ice Maker [VIDEO]How To Get Candy From Your Ice Maker [VIDEO]Sure it's nice to have ice in your beverage keeping things cold, but an even cooler way to use your refrigerator's ice maker setting is to have it dispense ice, cold candy!Nancy HallNancy Hall