
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
It was something that changed the way we watched television, the launch of MTV. Really it was a window into our favorite music performers making creative videos to go with their music.
Local Celebrity
Local Celebrity
Local Celebrity
Our flashback today features someone who has a career that has spanned 5 decades, and if you were at the Airport Grill at the New Bedford airport on Friday night, you could have run into him.
Dustin Hoffman Breaks Down- Back In The Day Cafe Flashback [VIDEO]
Dustin Hoffman Breaks Down- Back In The Day Cafe Flashback [VIDEO]
Dustin Hoffman Breaks Down- Back In The Day Cafe Flashback [VIDEO]
Dustin Hoffman was the leading actor in the movie "Tootsie". You can see the trailer below. A video has gone viral and the video is of him breaking down a bit as he discusses his role in the movie. Now, if you have seen the movie, you know its a COMEDY, so we have no idea why he broke down, and we are also wondering why this video is going viral a year after is was made...

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