
New Matt Damon-Casey Affleck Movie Filming in Boston
New Matt Damon-Casey Affleck Movie Filming in Boston
New Matt Damon-Casey Affleck Movie Filming in Boston
Ben Affleck was just working the drive thru of Dunkin in Medford, now his brother and his best friend are coming back to Massachusetts to shut down a Boston bakery. The bakery is Bova's Bakery in the North End and it will close for five days later this month to accommodate filming of a new crime drama starring Damon and the younger Affleck. ...
Now Casting: Men With Tattoos
Now Casting: Men With Tattoos
Now Casting: Men With Tattoos
Have you got lots of tattoos and you want to show them off? Then a new casting call for local men with tattoos has your name written all over it. The Facebook posting from Boston Casting was fairly vague, simply seeking "male actors with tattoos for feature film role...

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