Family planning

HPV Facts
HPV Facts
HPV Facts
August is Vaccination Awareness month and Family Planning of Fall River and Taunton want to be sure that you know why the HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccination is worth guarding yourself against.
Take Control
Take Control
Take Control
There is plenty of information out there about birth control but not all of it is accurate.  Your friends may have told you about some real wild side effects or reasons birth control fails but the truth is- they are just myths!  Family Planning, your local expert in reproductive health, wants you to know the facts.
Cervical Cancer Facts
Cervical Cancer Facts
Cervical Cancer Facts
Breast Cancer Awareness month will be upon us shortly. October is an important month about awareness for women in general.  Education and asking your physician the right questions are necessary in this day and age. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure as my mother always said.