
what's trending
what's trending
what's trending
As the Digital Managing Editor here at Fun 107, it’s my job to know what’s going on on the interwebs and what you need to know for your water cooler conversations. Here’s what’s trending TODAY:
Pit Bull Attack Opens Up Debate
Pit Bull Attack Opens Up Debate
Pit Bull Attack Opens Up Debate
A 2 year old child was attacked by the family pit bull in Rhode Island earlier this week. According to reports, the dog was laying on a blanket, and the child pulled it out from under him which caused the dog to attack.
Who Won The Debate?
Who Won The Debate?
Who Won The Debate?
Round TWO is officially in the books. Some political experts are saying that TONIGHT'S debate may prove to be the most important event of the entire election. The big question was whether or not the President could save face and bounce back from his weak first debate.