
Diman Noticing the Need for New Constantly.
Diman Noticing the Need for New Constantly.
Diman Noticing the Need for New Constantly.
Fall River - MA Technology is changing everyday, that's not news to anyone, but Diman is noticing the pressures that come with incorporating the technology students want and deserve every year. The school is celebrating 50 years in 2018, and according to The Standard Times, their superintendent Thomas Aubin, said the focus is marketing seeing they have none of it with a $20 million budget, and he
Dartmouth Officials See Budget Problems In The Future
Dartmouth Officials See Budget Problems In The Future
Dartmouth Officials See Budget Problems In The Future
With new revenue growth in Dartmouth projected to drop from $1.4 million in 2016 to $494,000 in 2017, town officials are banking on conservative spending to get through. During Monday's joint Select Board meeting with the Finance and School committees, officials voiced concerns over expenses in town growing faster than revenue...
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