animal rescue

Meet The MA Pups in Puppy Bowl XXI
Meet The MA Pups in Puppy Bowl XXI
Meet The MA Pups in Puppy Bowl XXI
We're days away from the 'big game' and the competitors are ready to win your heart and hopefully get adopted. No, we're not talking about this weekend's Super Bowl, we're talking abut this weekend's Puppy Bowl. Because that's where two Massachusetts rescue dogs will be competing this Sunday...
Rare Manatee Spotted in Rhode Island Found Dead Offshore
Rare Manatee Spotted in Rhode Island Found Dead Offshore
Rare Manatee Spotted in Rhode Island Found Dead Offshore
It is a tragic end to the story of a manatee swimming in the bay waters of Rhode Island. In early September, the first manatee spotted in the area in over 15 years was photographed in Charlestown's Quonochontaug Pond. Sadly, that same manatee was recently found decomposing in the offshore waters around Rhode Island, never having made it south as things started to cool off in New England. W... Read
Cape Cod Animal Welfare Team Made Unusual Dolphin Rescues
Cape Cod Animal Welfare Team Made Unusual Dolphin Rescues
Cape Cod Animal Welfare Team Made Unusual Dolphin Rescues
It's not everyday that an entire pod of dolphins need to be rescued from shallow Cape Cod waters, but its even more unusual when three rescue and relocation efforts need to be made in the same number of days. Yet that is exactly what happened to the International Fund for Animal Welfare's (IFAW) rescue team based in Cape Cod to kick off the month of May...
Kiki Keeps Kicking
Kiki Keeps Kicking
Kiki Keeps Kicking
She was given terrible odds to live. One year later, Dartmouth's miracle sheep Kiki is still kicking. Last January, I had the privilege to meet Kiki and hear her story. She was only 6 weeks old at the time, had been born with paralyzed legs and her own mother had refused to nurse her. Debor...
Specialty Breed Dogs Surrendered
Specialty Breed Dogs Surrendered
Specialty Breed Dogs Surrendered
Over 30 dogs surrendered to the National Mill Animal Shelter have arrived in Massachusetts. Now, these specialty breeds are in need of forever homes and the SouthCoast seems to be up for the challenge. The Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem recently took to Facebook to let locals know that 33 specialty breed dogs had arrived at their shelter...
Orphaned Deer Find New Home at Buttonwood Park Zoo
Orphaned Deer Find New Home at Buttonwood Park Zoo
Orphaned Deer Find New Home at Buttonwood Park Zoo
Seems like the rescue of wildlife across the SouthCoast happens every day. Some local animals even need to be rescued twice! Yet, there's one creature we almost never hear about - deer. Sadly baby deer are orphaned all the time. Local hunters, busy roadways and wild predators are every day threats to the local deer population and sometimes the younger members of a herd are left without a doe to sh

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