Good news, everyone! You can now get your favorite Girl Scout cookies anytime online.

If you find yourself searching for a good connection for Girl Scout cookies, reports that the Girl Scouts of USA will let their young members to use mobile apps and personalized websites to help sell the popular snack.

Of course, that's only if their scout councils and guardians approve.

However, getting your own cookies online isn't as simple as googling the Girl Scouts. Apparently, you need to be invited via e-mail by a scout before you can access the websites and order anything.

This goes along with their attempt to keep the girls safe online, which is the main reason it took so long for the organization to move to digital sales. Girls can customize their own pages, using only their first names. They can include videos explaining who they are and their goal for the money earned, but need to e-mail potential customers the links to the order.

With the mobile app, scouts can track sales and sell bundles of different kinds of cookies, which can be used on a phone or tablet.

Scouts can't just sell online, however, as the digital sales are aimed toward enhancing usual Girl Scout sales techniques, not replacing them.

See a scout walking around? Give her your business card! You can order your Thin Mints, Caramel deLights, and Peanut Butter Patties in no time.

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