If you had the ability to go back in time to New Year's Eve 2014, what would you tell yourself about your upcoming year?

Every year brings new challenges, exciting changes and lots of memories...but if you had the opportunity to give yourself a heads up about your year ahead, what would you tell yourself?

With a new baby in my life, 2015 was probably one of my most memorable years so far. And though I wouldn't want to change anything about it, I might have wanted to better prepare myself for some things.

So if I could go back one year and sit myself down, I think I'd certainly tell myself to better prepare for every aspect of delivery (that certainly wasn't what I expected), to not expect my life to go back to what it was before baby (as I so ridiculously thought it would at first) and to prepare to be blown away by how much I could love this little human being.

I might also give myself the heads up on the car accident I had this year, told me to get in more dates nights before the baby arrived and convinced myself I didn't need half the baby stuff I thought I did!

So what would you have told yourself a year ago, knowing what you know now?

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