Dale Dorman
Eileen Moynihan

The world learned of the passing of an amazing broadcaster today.  Uncle Dale Dorman, a Boston radio legend, passed away last week at the age of 71 after a long illness. Dale was the voice of the Channel 56 cartoons in Boston...and, of course, spent 20 years at Kiss 108.

I was lucky enough to start my radio career as an intern for Dale at Kiss 108. For DECADES after Kiss, Dale would ALWAYS make time to listen to my shows and critique them to TRY to help me get better. He did this for any young broadcaster that would ask the Jedi Master for help. Dale LOVED to see young people grow and become stronger air personalities. So kind and thoughtful. NOTHING in it for him whatsoever.

Dale was the BEST, most relatable DJ I have ever heard. Although I was not blessed with the talent he had, he continues to inspire me to strive to be better...and then...more importantly....to share that knowledge and wisdom with the next generation of young broadcasters.

Listen to my attempt this morning at honoring the man who inspired me to be on the radio. He'd probably tell me the tribute was too long...and he'd be right! I loved this man...and could only dream of having even a sliver of the talent he had.

Here is an email he sent to me back in 2008 after hearing my show on Fun 107. The Jedi Master...still trying to help me grow. Ring that cowbell, Uncle Dale.

So, how the heck ARE you.  Is the family still in Tewksbury??


I like how you sound, your information was good, for example you explained how I could text you and listen for you to say HI and win.  There was a ton of information in there and yet a guy like me (new to the station) could get all the info and understand.  What that means is that your connection skills are right on the money. The story about Dustin Pedroia getting the MVP was quick, to the point, informative to Sox fans and others who don't really care.  A nice, fast, piece of info that will connect with the listener.  It makes them feel that you are a true Sox fan.  Nice job. 



I DO hear a little hesitation in our voice.  It sounds like you WANT to cut loose and be a little more excited on the air but, either you have been TOLD to pull it back or YOU are tired of doing the same ol, same ol every day.  When you did the backsell of Cascada, THERE YOU WERE.  You showed more enthusiasm.  I liked THAT Michael Rock more.


Lots of 'Local" feel to the show on your part.  Tieing Justin into Fairhaven and all.  The little line about the weather "Don't let the sun fool you....it's COLD out there"  THESE are the things that 'hook' the listener into feeling that YOU are 'Just Like Them'.....THAT keeps them coming back.


Careful giving too much stuff out there.  In ONE backsell you mentioned T-Pain, Justin, THEN went into the liner thing about another hour long music marathon and hit 3 MORE performers.  Sometimes it becomes a 'signal' that you are going into spots even though you are saying commercial free.  It can become Blah-Blah-Blah.  OH! be careful about saying commericial free and then go right into spots.  Also REMEMBER "The fewer things you say the MORE IMPORTANT THOSE THINGS BECOME.. and the old standby ONE thought per break.  I LOVE that one, because it really doesn't matter how long the backsell is (within reason) as long as you can HOLD me in there through it.


Nice Job Buddy.


Holy Cow....YOU have 2 kids??


Where do the time go?


Stay in touch my friend and Be Well

--Uncle Dale

Eddie Murphy/Dale Dorman photo credit to Eileen Moynihan.


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