Apple is releasing a sleek new red look for their iPhone 7 and it's all for a good cause.

(RED), as most know is a global fund to fight AIDS and Apple has been teamed up with them for a number of years. Today they announced that they're releasing a flashy new red iPhone 7 model to help benefit the (RED) organization.

Apple said this in a press release on

“Since we began working with (RED) 10 years ago, our customers have made a significant impact in fighting the spread of AIDS through the purchase of our products, from the original iPod nano (PRODUCT)RED Special Edition all the way to today’s lineup of Beats products and accessories for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “The introduction of this special edition iPhone in a gorgeous red finish is our biggest (PRODUCT)RED offering to date in celebration of our partnership with (RED), and we can’t wait to get it into customers’ hands.”

If I didn't already jump the gun and get an iPhone 7 when it was released I'd be all over this! It's always good to see a big company trying to give back.


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