Congratulations to Ms. Patricia Carlson, special education teacher from the Acushnet Elementary School.  After receiving this email from Mrs. Lori Lewis, a mother of one of her students, Fun 107 and Bank 5 decided to name Ms. Carlson as Teacher of the Month.  We surprised her in school today.

My son Joshua Lewis is in the second grade at Acushnet Elementary School.  Joshua is struggling with reading.  He has been very frustrated with the reading and spelling words, sometimes he doesn't even want to go to school because of it.  At the beginning of this school his teacher did notice Joshua having a hard time, and she spoke with me about Joshua being in Title 1, and I would do anything that would help my child, so of course I agreed.  This is where Joshua meet Mrs. Carlson.  I can’t even begin to tell you the changes in Joshua.  His reading has improved so much.  He has so much confidence in himself now, and he is so proud of himself.  Everyday Joshua tells me something new he learned from Mrs. Carlson.  Joshua would give me a hard time with reading at home because he felt bad about not being able to read well, she has sent home so many tools to help Joshua.  Now he loves to read and he is so proud with himself.  I believe Mrs. Carlson deserves to get teacher of the month.  Everyday we acknowledge our teachers but sometimes we forget about the Special Ed teachers who work so hard to help our children.  And I can’t believe how much Joshua has improved in the little time he has been working with her.  I believe he has been very privileged to work with her.  --Lori Lewis


Mrs. Carlson, Josh Lewis and his 2nd grade classmates. (TSM)
Mrs. Carlson, Josh Lewis and his 2nd grade classmates. (TSM)

Once we arrived, it was apparent that our panel of judges had made the right decision.  The Asst. Principal, Paul LaBelle, showed us the reading area in the school that Ms. Carlson single handedly created just a couple of weeks ago.  She came in over the course of a few nights to turn a messy stockroom into a reading lounge for students who need some extra help.  Mr. LaBelle said this is not an exception for Ms. Carlson, but rather the norm.

The children enjoyed a Domino's Pizza party, followed by dessert from Emma Jean's Cupcake Factory Ice Cream Shoppe and Candy House, and all received passes to Oceans 18.  Mrs. Carlson was awarded with flowers from Treeland, a plaque from Dartmouth Gifts and Engraving, and gift cards to the Ruby Room and A & A Jewelers.

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